非洲: Africa新闻: news报: report; declare; announce非洲新闻: africa samachar; presse africaine非洲新闻社: africa news service; africa press service; african news service; aps非洲新闻公报: information bulletin on africa非洲新闻部长会议: conference of african ministers of information非洲新闻和观点: africana news and views非洲新闻基金会: african media foundation非洲新闻和资料通讯社: agence africaine d'information et de documentation非洲新闻机构协调委员会: african committee for the coordination of information media; cacmi非洲新闻记者联合会: union of african journalists非洲新闻媒体协调委员会: african committee for the coordination of information media津巴布韦非洲新闻社: zimbabwe inter-african news agency新闻报: al anba al-jadida; al anba'a; al garida; al jarida; al jaryda; al media; al sahafa; anba al-jadida al; anba'a al; balita; berita baru; business news; courant; die presse; efimeris ton idisseon; essahafa; friss ujsag; garida al; gazette la; haber; hedashout; het nieuwsblad; hoja la; informatiom; information l'; jarida al; jaryda al; jornal o; journal le; journal news; kibaru; kuranty; l' information; la gazette; la hoja; la noticia; la prensa; la presse; la stampa; le journal; les nouvelles; media al; neue presse; news letter; news the; news-gazette; news-press; nieuwsblad het; noticia la; noticias; nouvelles les; o jornal; prensa la; press and journal; press the; presse die; presse la; sahafa al; samachar; sangbad; sin wen pao; stampa la; suhufia; ta nea; tan van; tidningen; to nea; utvarpstidindi; vaovao; warta berita非洲新稻: new rice for africa非洲新时代: temps nouveau d'afrique非洲新月: african crescent澳洲新闻: australia news欧洲新闻: european news; id europainformation欧洲新闻社: agence europeenne presse; agencia europa press en espana la; europa press agency; europe press agency; la agencia europa press en espana亚洲新闻: asian news亚洲新闻社: asian press board news agency亚洲新闻台: channel news asia亚洲新闻网: asia news network