非洲: Africa新闻记者: newsman; newspaperman; repor ...联合会: federation; union泛非新闻记者联合会: pan-african union of journalists; pauj中美洲新闻工作者联合会: federacion centroamericano de periodistas欧洲新闻记者中心: european journalism centre拉丁美洲新闻工作者联合会: federation of latin american journalists; felap美洲国家在职新闻记者组织联合会: iafwno; inter american federation of working newspapermen's organizations; inter-american federation of working newspapermen's organizations美洲在职新闻记者组织联合会: inter-american federation of working newspapermen's organizations阿拉伯新闻记者联盟: union des journalistes arabes阿拉伯记者联合会: faj; federation of arab journalists; federation of arab pressmen; federationofarabjournalists东盟记者联合会: caj confederation of asean journalist全国记者联合会: national union of journalists叙利亚记者联合会: syrian association for journalist非洲农村新闻记者协会: african association of journalists of the rural press非洲农业新闻记者协会: african association of journalists of the rural press; arjora女新闻记者: news hen; newshen新闻记者: a gentleman of the press; cub reporter; jounalist; news hawk; newsgatherer; newshawk; newshound; newsman, newspaperman, journalist; newsman, new aperman, journalist; press correspondent; pressman; ragger新闻记者席: press box; press gallery国际农业记者联合会: ifaj; international federation of agricultural journalists国际体育记者联合会: aips; association internationale de la presse sportive; international sporting press association国际天主教记者联合会: ifcj; international federation of catholic journalists拉丁美洲旅游记者联合会: latin american confederation of tourism journalists联邦德国记者联合会: journalist federation of federal germany尼日利亚记者联合会: nigerian union of journalists