非: mistake; wrong; errors整数: integer; whole number; integ ...次: order; sequence的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...积分: integral; integrate; integra ...非整数: noninteger产过数次的: multiparous第无数次的: umpteenth印刷数次的: polychrome非整数阶: non integral order非整数量: non-integral quantity分数次积分: fractional integrals积分;整数: integral无数次的缺课: numerous absences from school非整数槽绕组: non-integral slot winding函数的积分: integral of a function矩阵的积分: integration of a matrix脉冲的积分: integration of pulses平方的积分: integrated square经过无数次的重复: after numerous repetitions我曾无数次的歌唱: and once i sang songs积分整数的: integral非整数类表达式: nonintegral expression非整数类运算式: nonintegral expression不可分割的积分: integral integral