需要: need; want; require; demand; ...勇气: courage; nerve的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...需要勇气: call for courage; to require courage缺乏勇气的: weak-spirited无勇气的: fainthearted; pluckless勇气的徽章: medallion of courage勇气的碎片: fragment of courage有勇气的: be of courage; gallant a. courageous; gutsy; gutty; nerved; nervous; nervy; plucky; spine有勇气的人: a man of mettle赛迪斯 有勇气的: thaddeus有勇气的举动: a brave act deed speech胆怯的, 无勇气的, 软弱的: chicken-hearted威慑与勇气的象征: white and red dangerous and brave一位极有勇气的人: a person of great courage有勇气的 缺乏自信的: nerved diffident需要花力气的: paleontologist paleontologist白与红,威慑与勇气的象征: white and red,dangerous and brave快东是勇气的一种形式: happiness is a form of courage你需要继续尝试的勇气: and you need the strength to keep tryin'勇气: courage; nerve 鼓起勇气 pluck up [muster up] one's courage 无氧能活的 需要氧气的: anaerobic require oxygen需要大力气的,非常困难的: herculean大胆地正视这一局面需要很大的勇气it: takes a great deal of courage to face the situation bravely气的: pneumatic