有: 5年 fifteen years勇气: courage; nerve的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...有勇气的人: a man of mettle赛迪斯 有勇气的: thaddeus有勇气的举动: a brave act deed speech一位极有勇气的人: a person of great courage有勇气的 缺乏自信的: nerved diffident有勇气: guts鼓励,使……有勇气: encourage很有勇气: be full of pluck没有勇气: pluckless有勇气地: pluckily有勇气去(做): have the courage to有勇气做: have the heart to do有勇气告诉他: have the courage to tell him有勇气做某事: have the nerve to do sth缺乏勇气的: weak-spirited无勇气的: fainthearted; pluckless需要勇气的: requiring or showing courage勇气的徽章: medallion of courage勇气的碎片: fragment of courage连拥抱都没有勇气: even embrace each other and didn't be courageous如今,我知道,我有,有勇气: now i know i have使人有勇气开口: bring out