零: zero zero sign; nought应力: stress; strain; tension; cha ...轨: rail; track温: warm; lukewarm; hot; gentle; ...零应力: zero stress应力轨: stress path坝踵零应力: zero heel stress零应力带: zone of zero stress零应力线: zero stress line应力轨迹: stre trajectory; stress trajectory; trajectory of stresses主应力轨迹: trajectory of principal stress; trajectory of the principal stress主应力轨变迹: trajectory of principal stress主应力轨迹线: trajectory of principal stress应力图,应力轨迹线: stresstrajectory零应力光学常数: zero stress-optical constant钢轨温度: rail temperature锁定轨温: fastening-down temperature of rail零应变状态: zero strain state反力轨迹: reaction locus零升力轨道: zero-lift trajectory全动力轨迹: all-powered trajectory枝力轨迹: line of principal stress; trajectory of principal stress重力轨道: gravitational orbit零应急离机系统: zero-zero escape package应力: [物理学] stress; strain; tension; charge 内应力 internal stress; 预应力 prestress; 正应力 direct stress; 冲击应力 impact stress; 交变应力 alternate stress; 工程师们计算桥梁的应变和应力。 engineers calculate the strains and stresses on a bridge