全: complete动力: motive power; power; dynamic轨迹: locus; trajectory; trail; tr ...反力轨迹: reaction locus应力轨迹: stre trajectory; stress trajectory; trajectory of stresses枝力轨迹: line of principal stress; trajectory of principal stress主应力轨迹: trajectory of principal stress; trajectory of the principal stress主应力轨迹线: trajectory of principal stress应力图,应力轨迹线: stresstrajectory劳拖威克动力轨道: lautovick power track全动力操纵的: fully powered; fully-powered应力轨: stress path空气动力弹道学轨迹: aeroballistic trajectory空气动力支承的飞行轨迹: supported trajectory利用空气动力的飞行轨迹: assisted trajectory轨迹: 1.[数学] (某点在空间移动的路线) locus; trajectory; trail; travel; path; way; [电子学] trace; line; pathway2.[天文学] (天体在宇宙间运行的路线) orbit 我们可以画出地球绕太阳运行的轨迹。 we can draw the earth's orbit round the sun 全动的: all moving; all-moving全动舵: all movable rudder; allmovable rudder全动画: full motion全动态: full-motion; fullmotionn零升力轨道: zero-lift trajectory零应力轨温: stress free rail temperature重力轨道: gravitational orbit用空气动力使飞行轨迹变化: aerodynamic flight-path change主应力轨变迹: trajectory of principal stress