陆军: army; ground force; land for ...品德: moral character; morality; q ...优良: fine; good; excellent奖章: medal; decoration海军品德优良奖章: navy good conduct medal空军品德优良奖章: air force good conduct medal【美军】品德优良奖章。: good conduct medal海岸警卫队品德优良奖章: coast guard good conduct medal海军陆战队品德优良奖章: marine good conduct medal海岸警卫队预备役品德优良奖章: coast guard reserve good conduct medal质,品德,优良的: quality品行优良奖状: certificate of good conduct品德优秀,体格健壮: sound in character and strong in body品德优秀体格健壮: sound in character and strong in body成绩优良奖学金: prize fellowship; prize scholarship陆军功绩奖章: army achievement medal陆军嘉奖奖章: army commendation medal学业成绩优良奖学金: scholarship on merit军品: military item; military supplies保持劳动人民的优良品德: kethe fine qualities of the working people陆军妇女队奖章: wac medal陆军预备役奖章: armed forces reserve medal品德: moral character; morality; quality 保持劳动人民的优良品德 keep the fine qualities of the working people; 他品德高尚。 he excels in virtue.; 品德教育 character education美国陆军军品研究与发展服务处: u.s.army ordnance research and development service陆军预备役功绩奖章: army reserve component achievement medal