品行优良: having good conduct; well-be ...奖状: certificate of commendation品行优良: having good conduct【美军】品德优良奖章。: good conduct medal成绩优良奖学金: prize fellowship; prize scholarship海军品德优良奖章: navy good conduct medal空军品德优良奖章: air force good conduct medal陆军品德优良奖章: army good conduct medal海岸警卫队品德优良奖章: coast guard good conduct medal海军陆战队品德优良奖章: marine good conduct medal学业成绩优良奖学金: scholarship on merit奖状: certificate of merit [award]; citation; honorary credential; diploma; testimonial海岸警卫队预备役品德优良奖章: coast guard reserve good conduct medal品行: conduct; behaviour 品行不良 having bad conduct; ill-behaved; 品行端正 behave oneself well; having good conduct; well-behaved; 品行良好 good behaviour; 品行优良 having good conduct; well-behaved; 他品行堕落。 he falls from virtue. 他因品行有损军人的名誉而被撤职。 he was cashiered for conduct injurious to the reputation of a soldier优良: fine; good; excellent 成绩优良 get good marks; make a good showing; 优良传统 fine tradition; 优良品质 fine quality; 优良品种 good strains of seeds; improved variety; quality variety; 优良作风 fine style of work行优先: row-major功绩奖状: orders, decorations, and medals of macau奖状范例档: certificate template file立功奖状: certificate for meritorious servicecertificate of merit荣誉奖状: orders, decorations, and medals of macau授予奖状: award sb. a citation of merit证明书,奖状: testimonial行为,品行: conduct发行优先股: issuance of preferred stocks例行优先: routine precedence