

  • plod one's weary way
  • 长途:    long-distance
  • 困顿:    tired out; exhausted; fatigu ...
  • 困顿:    1.(劳累不能支持) tired out; exhausted; fatigued; weary; worn-out2.(生活艰难窘迫) in financial straits; poverty-stricken; hard up; in straitened circumstances
  • 困顿的:    sorry
  • 长途:    long-distance 我不能胜任这样的长途旅行。 i don't feel up to such a long journey. 这些鱼经过长途运输而不变质。 the fish stood the long journey very well.; 长途搬运公司 van line; 长途查询 toll information board; 长途电信 telecommunication; 长途调度台 trunk dispatcher switchboard; 长途公共汽车 intertown bus; greyhound; 长途呼叫 long trunk call; long toll call; toll call; trunk call; 长途记录台 [通信工程] toll recording board; trunk-record position; 长途交换台 toll board; 长途客车 coach bus; 长途通信网 toll network; 长途直拨电话 direct distance dialing (ddd); 长途自动电话网 automatic telephone trunk network


        长途:    long-distance
        困顿:    tired out; exhausted; fatigu ...
        困顿:    1.(劳累不能支持) tired out; exhausted; fatigued; weary; worn-out2.(生活艰难窘迫) in financial straits; poverty-stricken; hard up; in straitened circumstances
        困顿的:    sorry
        长途:    long-distance 我不能胜任这样的长途旅行。 i don't feel up to such a long journey. 这些鱼经过长途运输而不变质。 the fish stood the long journey very well.; 长途搬运公司 van line; 长途查询 toll information board; 长途电信 telecommunication; 长途调度台 trunk dispatcher switchboard; 长途公共汽车 intertown bus; greyhound; 长途呼叫 long trunk call; long toll call; toll call; trunk call; 长途记录台 [通信工程] toll recording board; trunk-record position; 长途交换台 toll board; 长途客车 coach bus; 长途通信网 toll network; 长途直拨电话 direct distance dialing (ddd); 长途自动电话网 automatic telephone trunk network
        处境困顿:    indifficulty
        颠连困顿:    helplessly dependent and exhausted peak upon peak
        困顿不堪:    exhaustion
        劳累困顿:    fatigure and weary
        潦倒困顿:    in deep water; penniless and frustrated; down and out
        战胜(困顿等):    overcome
        不体面的;困顿的:    sorry
        长途的:    far; longdistance; longhaul; long-line
        长途局:    primary trunk exchange
        长途区:    trunk zone
        长途台:    long distance station; toll point; toll switchboarb; trunk line board; trunk operator position; trunk position
        长途网:    long distance network; long-distance network
        长途线:    long-distance terminal; longhaul; trunk
        长途的, 长途电话的:    long-distance
        长途呼叫,长途通话:    long toll call
        甲乙长途制, a-b长途制:    a-b toll system
        长途拔号:    toll dialing; toll line bialing
        长途跋涉:    a long journey to be made on foot; a long and arduous journey; a long and hard journey; a long trek; make a long journey on foot; trek a long way; trudgeover a long distance 这些骆驼在沙漠里长途跋涉。 these camels travelled enormous distance over the desert regions. 他只身长途跋涉, 从东向西横穿整个非洲大陆。 he traversed alone the whole continent of africa from east to west
        长途跋涉,步行:    trek
        长途奔袭:    [军事] long-distance [long-range] raid


  1. "长途客车(英)"英文
  2. "长途客车内空气质量要求"英文
  3. "长途客运"英文
  4. "长途客运公司"英文
  5. "长途空运"英文
  6. "长途来话话务员"英文
  7. "长途来话交换机"英文
  8. "长途来话交换座席"英文
  9. "长途来话线路"英文
  10. "长途来话中继线"英文


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