I saw him not infrequently during the difficult years he spent in paris . 在他落魄巴黎的一段坎坷困顿的日子里,我经常和他见面。
"thank you, ma'am," says jack politely, and steps inside, remembering to limp a little to show how worn and weary he was . “谢谢您,夫人,”杰克彬彬有礼的回答,说罢便进了屋,还故意装着一跛一瘸,好让人看看他是多么困顿疲劳。
Norma jeane had a difficult , 8 ) uns childhood 诺玛珍的童年困顿不安。
Blessed jesus , blessed jesus ! we will early turn to thee 软弱困顿,靠?胸前,天父必看顾你。
I eat and drink whatever i like , and sleep when i cannot keep awake 我吃喝自己喜欢的东西,困顿了就去睡觉。
困顿的: sorry长途困顿: plod one's weary way处境困顿: indifficulty颠连困顿: helplessly dependent and exhausted peak upon peak困顿不堪: exhaustion劳累困顿: fatigure and weary潦倒困顿: in deep water; penniless and frustrated; down and out战胜(困顿等): overcome不体面的;困顿的: sorry困冻的: beset困冻: beset困厄: dire straits; distress; difficult situation困地: sleepily困乏: tired; fatigued; exhausted; weary 令人困乏的演讲 a tiresome lecture; 去睡觉吧, 你看上去困乏极了。 go to bed. you look tired out困的: schlä schlaefrig adj困乏的: sleepy困处: be in a sorry plight; be in a predicament; be in dire straits; plight; predicament; straits
困顿的法语:形 1.accablé;à bout de force 2.gêné financièrement困顿的日语:〈書〉 (1)疲れ果てる. 孩子病了一个月,母亲累得困顿不堪 bùkān /子供が1か月も病気をしたので母親はすっかり疲れきってしまった. (2)(生活や不運な境涯に)苦しむ,困窮する. 这位大诗人困顿了一辈子/この大詩人は困窮のうちに一生を送った.困顿的韩语:[형용사] (1)견딜 수 없을 정도로 피곤하다. 몹시 고달프다. (2)(생계 또는 형편이) 매우 난처하다[곤란하다]. 곤궁하다.困顿的俄语:pinyin:kùndùn 1) утомлённый, усталый, измученный 2) приходить в упадок; приостанавливаться (в развитии)困顿什么意思:kùndùn ①劳累到不能支持:终日劳碌,十分~。 ②(生计或境遇)艰难窘迫:漂泊在外,~潦倒。