长短: length臂: arm长短臂底肋: long and short armed floor长短臂肋骨: long and short armed frame长短臂底肋(木船): long and short armed floor长短臂肋骨(木船): long and short armed frame短臂: phocomelic arm; sharksucker; short arm长短: 1.(长度) length 不能只根据篇幅长短来评价一本书。 a book is not judged only on its length. 这件上衣长短不合适。 this coat is not the right length.2.(意外变故) accident; mishap 免得有个长短 lest there should be any mishap; 万一他有个长短, 怎么办? what if anything should happen to him?3.(是非; 好坏) right and wrong; strong and weak points; good and bad 她喜欢议论邻居的是非长短。 she loves to gossip about her neighboursy短臂: y short arm短臂的: short armed长短格: trochee长短脚: uneven bottom length; uneven leg length长短经: txt长短句: 1.poetry written to certain tunes with strict tonal patterns and rhyme schemes in fixed numbers of lines and words2.a kind of classical poetry consisting chiefly of seven-character lines interspersed with shorter or longer ones长短球: long and short play长短筒: uneven length of plackets长短袖: sleeve length uneven; uneven length of sleeves; uneven sleeve length长短褶: darts length unequal短臂底肋材: short floor timber短臂短鲫: suckfish短臂管型: short arm cast短臂夹板: short arm splint短臂交叉的: distactic; ditactic短臂缺失: deletion of short arm短臂染色体: cephalobrachial chromosome; headed chromosome