短: short; brief臂: arm染色体: chromosome短臂等臂染色体: isochromosome for short arm臂染色体: headed chromosome等臂染色体: homobrachial chromosome; isobrachial chromosome; isochromosome; metacentric chromosome同臂染色体: isobrachial chromosome异臂染色体: heterobrachial chromosome染色体短臂: the short arm of a chromosome不等臂染色体: heterobrachial chromosome假等臂染色体: pseudoisochromosome拟同臂染色体: pseudoisochromosome伪同臂染色体: pseudoisochromosome异臂染色体的: heterobrachial长臂等臂染色体: isochromosome for long arm三染同臂染色体: triisosomic4号染色体短臂三体性: trisomy for short arm of chromosome 4y染色体短臂缺失综合征: y-p-syndrome臭氧层上界p染色体短臂: ozonopause号染色体短臂部分缺失: partial deletion of the short arm of chromosome 4 4psyndromee18号染色体短臂缺失综合征: chromosome 18 short arm deletion syndrome4号染色体短臂部分单体综合征: wolf syndrome4号染色体短臂缺失综合征: chromosome 4 short arm deletion syndrome5号染色体短臂部分缺失综合征: partial deletion of short arm of chromosome 5 syndrome染色体短臂18部分缺失综合征: chromosome short arm 18 partial deletion syndrome