锻炼: take exercise; have physical ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...体格: physique; build未经锻炼的: unannealed; untempered健壮的体格: an athletic figure结实的体格: a wellknit frame ie a compact sturdy bodyy强壮的体格: a strong constitution; strong constitution人的体格: physique虚弱的体格: weak constitution体格锻炼: physical training一再锻炼的人: approach approach经过田间锻炼的: field hardened脾气好的, 经过锻炼的: well-tempered受过航海锻炼的: seawise雇佣前的体格检查: pre-employment examination练出强健的体格: build up a strong constitution锻炼得体格健全的: fine持久的体质锻炼: sustained physical exercise体育馆(脱衣服锻炼的地方): gymnasium掀起群众性体育锻炼的热潮: unfold a vigorous mass campaign for sports and physical training体格: physique; build 体格强壮 of strong physique; of powerful build; of strong constitution; 体格魁梧的人 a man of great physique; a heavily-built man; 体格检查 physical examination; vet; health checkup; medical examination软化症的体格和神经病学检查: physical and neurological examination for soft signs锻炼: 1.(体育锻炼) take exercise; have physical training 锻炼好身体 build up a strong constitution; 经常锻炼以保持健康 train regularly to keep fit; 热心地从事体育锻炼 pursue one's athletic exercises with zest; 他长期缺乏锻炼。 he had been short of exercise for a long time. 智能的锻炼同身体的运动同样重要。 exercise of the mental faculties is as important as bodily excercise.2.(磨炼) temper; steel; toughen 在劳动中锻炼自己 steel oneself in labour; 劳动锻炼 temper oneself through manual labour; 在大风大浪中经受锻炼 be tempered in [through] the great storms干炼的: dry-rendered精炼的: affining; refined; scrubbed; wrought