When gerald was forty - three , so thickset of body and florid of face that he looked like a hunting squire out of a sporting print , it came to him that tara , dear though it was , and the county folk , with their open hearts and open houses , were not enough 杰拉尔德四十三岁时,健壮的体格,红润的脸庞使他看起来象从狩猎画中走出来的一个打猎的乡绅,尽管他得到了亲爱的塔拉,得到了郡里人的真诚和喜爱,可仍然不够。
His eyes were blue , his complexion rubicund , his figure almost portly and well - built , his body muscular , and his physical powers fully developed by the exercises of his younger days . his brown hair was somewhat tumbled ; for while the ancient sculptors are said to have known eighteen methods of arranging minerva s tresses , passepartout was familiar with but one of dressing his own : three strokes of a large - tooth comb completed his toilet 他的脸相当胖,胖得自己都能看到自己的颧骨。他身躯魁梧,肩宽腰圆,肌肉结实,而且力大非凡。他所以有这样健壮的体格,都是他青年时代锻炼的结果,他那棕色的头发总是乱蓬蓬的,如果说古代雕塑家懂得密涅瓦十八种处理头发的技艺,那么路路通却只懂得一种:拿起粗梳子,刷,刷,刷!
健壮: strong and healthy的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...体格: physique; build体格健壮的: physically strong muscular强壮的体格: a strong constitution; strong constitution体格健壮的人: a man of strong ophysique健壮的: fine; hearty; lusty; portly; robust; rocky; ruddy; strong; well-fed健壮的身躯: a sound body健壮的身体: strong body强壮的体魄: vigorous health强壮的体质: sound constitution健壮的孩子们: sturdy children锻炼的体格: build up a powerful physique结实的体格: a wellknit frame ie a compact sturdy bodyy人的体格: physique虚弱的体格: weak constitution健康的;健壮的;卫生的: healthy健壮的;坚强的坚定的: sturdy优美健壮的身材: superb figure种马(英俊健壮的男子): stallion品德优秀,体格健壮: sound in character and strong in body品德优秀体格健壮: sound in character and strong in body体格健壮而活跃的: physically strong healthy and active雇佣前的体格检查: pre-employment examination练出强健的体格: build up a strong constitution