塞: fill in; stuff顿: pause; halt; stop锡塞: solder plug塞顿: setton锡塞,锡柱: solder plug锡塞拉: sissela锡塞伦: siselen阿塞顿: aceiton埃塞顿: alan etherton波塞顿: poseidon塞顿港: port seton锡塞杜古: sissedougou锡塞申湖: secession lake里娅塞顿: margaret rhea seddon茅塞顿开: become enlightened at once; be enlightened all of a sudden; come to an understanding all of a sudden; realize [understand] all of a sudden; a light breaks in upon somebody.; scales fall from one's eye.; one's dullness of perception is suddenly removed.; one's dullness is removed all at once.; suddenly see the light萨雷桑巴锡塞: sare samba cisse缄默有时是最严厉的批评--查理士 巴塞顿: silence is sometimes the severest criticism.--charles buxton锡赛德: seaside锡萨诺: sissano锡赛德海茨: seaside heights锡萨蒙: sisamon