

  • malleolar measure
  • :    measure capacity
  • :    ankle
  • :    implement; utensil; ware
  • :    动词1.(使干燥) air; dry in the air 晾干菜 dry vegetable in the air; 草垫子该晾一晾了。 the straw mattress needs to be aired.2.(晒) sun; dry in the sun 晾被子 sun quilts; 她把洗好的衣服晾在绳子上。 she hung the washing on the line to dry.3.(把热的东西放一会, 使温度降低) make or become cool 把开水晾一晾再喝。 let the water cool before you drink it
  • 量焓的:    enthalpimetric


        :    measure capacity
        :    ankle
        :    implement; utensil; ware
        :    动词1.(使干燥) air; dry in the air 晾干菜 dry vegetable in the air; 草垫子该晾一晾了。 the straw mattress needs to be aired.2.(晒) sun; dry in the sun 晾被子 sun quilts; 她把洗好的衣服晾在绳子上。 she hung the washing on the line to dry.3.(把热的东西放一会, 使温度降低) make or become cool 把开水晾一晾再喝。 let the water cool before you drink it
        量焓的:    enthalpimetric
        晾被子:    sun quilts
        量飑表:    boenmesser
        晾蛋:    cooling egg
        量最高的一年:    record year for
        晾干:    dry by airing; dry in the air; airing; dry out 把某物晾干 let sth. dry out in the wind [sun]
        量最高的年份:    peak years
        晾干菜:    dry vegetable in the air
        量嘴:    metering jet


  1. "量嘴"英文
  2. "量最高的年份"英文
  3. "量最高的一年"英文
  4. "量飑表"英文
  5. "量焓的"英文
  6. "晾"英文
  7. "晾被子"英文
  8. "晾蛋"英文
  9. "晾干"英文
  10. "晾干菜"英文


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