量: measure capacity最高: highest; supreme; tallest的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...一: one年: year量最高的年份: peak years世界客流量最高的地铁: metro systems by annual passenger rides最高的: chief; crowning; empyreal; highest; hunky-dory; maximal; maximum; paramount; peak; percentage; superior; superlative; supreme; tallest; tiptop; top flight; topflight; topgallant; topmost; unbeatable; upmost; uppermost; utmost美国童子军中年龄最高的一级组织: eagle scout年事最高的: eldest年最高的: annual maximum头等的,最高的: top一流的, 最高的: big-league最高的,最大的: maximum最高的,高峰的: peak最高的变化: the tochange最高的估计: outside estimate最高的价格: highest price最高的敬意: perfect tribute最高的荣誉: blue ribbon寡居的一年: the door in the floor今后的一年: the year ahead美好的一年: a good year; it was a very good year完美的一年: the perfect year未来的一年: the coming yearnext year