Send according to department of labor department labor [ regulation of file of 1995 ] 226 date , after disciplinary action of job of laborer be tortured be tortured of new obtain employment , answer former unit to work no matter or work to other job unit , its pay pay , press the job that pursues by unit of choose and employ persons , determine its pay pay independently according to particular case 根据劳动部劳部发[ 1995 ] 226号文件规定,劳动者受刑事处分后重新就业的,不论回原单位工作或到其他工作单位工作,其工资待遇,由用人单位按所从事的工作,根据具体情况自主确定其工资报酬。
重新: again; anew; afresh就业: obtain employment; take up a ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...新就业合同: cne就业的动力: job incentive就业的弹性值: value of elasticity of employment就业的稳定度: job security未充分就业的: underemployed制造业的就业: employment in manufacturing未就业的工人居民: unemployed laboring population从学校到就业的过渡期: transition from school to work负责就业的政务次官: employment就业的经济活动人口: economically active employed population就业的女性人数日增: feminization of employment实施积极促进就业的政策: to implement the policy of vigorously increasing employment公职就业和劳工部负责就业的国务秘书: secretary of state for employment in ministry of public function employment and labour就业: obtain employment; take up an occupation; get a job 充分就业 full employment; 就业前培训 pre-job training; 这个城市的就业状况正在改善。 the state of employment in this city is improving. 该工厂为一千多熟练工人提供就业机会。 the factory furnishes employment to more than one thousand skilled hands.; 就业登记 employment registration; 就业不足 under-employment; underemployed; subemployment; 就业范围 number of jobs available; 就业机会 job openings; job opportunities; employment opportunities; 就业门路 possible channel for employment; job opportunities; 就业年龄 working age; 就业训练 career training; 就业增长率 accession rate; 就业政策公约 (第122号公约) convention concerning employment policy (ilo, 1964, no. 122); 就业指导 vocational counsel; 就业指数 employment index关于移徙就业的劳工组织公约: ilo convention concerning migration for employment工业的重新部署和结构调整: industrial redeployment and structural adjustment重新: again; anew; afresh 重新考虑 reconsider; 重新确认[证实] reconfirm; 重新委任[指定] reappoint; reappointment; 重新审理 rehearing; 重新使用 reactivate; 重新统一 reunification; 他重新讲了一遍。 he explained it once again. 敌人重新发起进攻。 the enemy launched a fresh offensive. 你应该仔细地重新考虑一下这个问题。 you should give it careful reconsideration.; 重新安排 reorder就业率 就业率: employmentrate就业再就业: employment and reemployment工业的,产业的: industrial adj专业的,职业的: professional新就职者, 新上任的官员: a new broom