负责: be responsible for; be in ch ...就业: obtain employment; take up a ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...政务: government affairs; governme ...次: order; sequence官: government official; officer ...负责贸易和工业的政务次官: trade and industry负责财政的政务次官: treasury负责国防的政务次官: defence负责环境的政务次官: environment负责内政的政务次官: home office负责能源的政务次官: energy负责运输的政务次官: transport负责北爱尔兰事务的政务次官: northern ireland office负责农业渔业和粮食的政务次官: for agriculture fisheries and food负责苏格兰事务的政务次官: scottish office负责威尔士事务的政务次官: welsh office负责卫生和社会保险的政务次官: health and social security政务次官: parliamentary under secretar; parliamentary vice-minister公职就业和劳工部负责就业的国务秘书: secretary of state for employment in ministry of public function employment and labour财政部政务次官: parliamentary secretary to the treasury防卫厅政务次官: parliamentary deputy director general of defence agency; parliamentary deputy director-general of defence agency国防军需政务次官: parliamentary under secretary of state for defence procurement武装部队政务次官: parliamentary under secretary of state for the armed forces外交和联邦事务部政务次官: foreign and commonwealth affairs