成就, 造诣: attainments高深的造诣: high attainment学术造诣: scientific attainments艺术造诣: artistic attainments音乐造诣: music attainment有造诣的: compleat; skilled expert造诣测验: attainment test造诣很高: of great attainments造诣较深: of great attainments; of high attainments造诣颇深: be well up in; be steeped in; of great attainment; of profound scholarship造诣深的: versed造诣指数: achievement quotient写作造诣很深的: literary有造诣的钢琴家: an accomplished pianist造诣极高的学者: a scholar of the highest attainments技巧精湛的;造诣纯熟的: accomplished (adj)在数学上他造诣很高我是望尘莫及: he can beat me hollow at mathematics一个6岁的男孩有这样惊人的造诣,真是难能可贵!: A six-year-old child with such an amazing attainment! It is indeed something rare and deserving praise.造一座小房子: make a little house造一墓室供我眠: dig the grave and let me lie造一个正确的句子: to form a correct sentence造谣作祟: start a rumour to cause trouble; make trouble by rumourmongering; rumours and tricks造谣中伤者: slanderer