Since my friend, mr. edward leggatt, an able writer as well as an admirable painter has exhaustively discussed charles strickland's work in a little book . 因为我的朋友爱德华雷加特先生既是一位写文章的高手,又是一位深有造诣的画家,他在一本小书里对查里斯思特里克兰德的作品已经做了详尽的探索。
Both my parents are accomplished musicians 我父母亲均是有造诣的音乐家。
He was one of the most accomplished men he had ever known 他是他所认识的人中最有造诣的一个。
有: 5年 fifteen years造诣: attainments的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...有造诣的钢琴家: an accomplished pianist造诣: (academic or artistic) attainments 造诣很高 of great attainments; 造诣指数 achievement quotient有造化: be born under a lucky star成就, 造诣: attainments高深的造诣: high attainment学术造诣: scientific attainments艺术造诣: artistic attainments音乐造诣: music attainment造诣测验: attainment test造诣很高: of great attainments造诣较深: of great attainments; of high attainments造诣颇深: be well up in; be steeped in; of great attainment; of profound scholarship造诣深的: versed造诣指数: achievement quotient写作造诣很深的: literary造诣极高的学者: a scholar of the highest attainments我希望没有造成妨碍: i hope i'm not in the way有造成蔓延火灾危险的: exposing building技巧精湛的;造诣纯熟的: accomplished (adj)他在这一领域是一位颇有造就的学者: he is a scholar of the highest attainments in this field有造成蔓延火灾危险的建筑物: exposing building在数学上他造诣很高我是望尘莫及: he can beat me hollow at mathematics