Minimizing the busyness of the desktop makes kde easier on the channel bandwidth 使桌面的繁忙程度最小化可使kde在通道带宽上变得更宽松。
The millimeter wave diplexers used in the ka - band satellite communications are investigated . these diplexers are of high working frequency , narrow passband and high selectivity , which demands the channel filters good performance 所研究的毫米波双工器工作频率高(接近40ghz ) ,收发通道带宽窄、接收频率和发射频率间隔很小。
Also , the xml2struct algorithm can be implemented in optimized c with performance characteristics that allow it to saturate dedicated output channels from xml servers using current - generation cpus and currently - common channel bandwidths 而且, xml2struct算法可以用优化的c实现,其性能特征足以允许它使用当代cpu和目前常用的通道带宽使来自xml服务器的专门输出通道饱和。