The needed channel bandwidth is also reduced accordingly 因此数据传输所需要的信道带宽也相应减少。
However , there are limited resources and much interference in wireless channels , and heavy traffic and high real - time demand for video signals 而无线信道带宽资源有限,干扰因素多,视频信号数据量大,实时性要求高。
In wireless communication , increasing bandwidth efficiency to transfer more data in the band - limited channel always is a task deserve for attention 无线通信中,提高带宽效率,在有限的信道带宽中传输更多的数据一直是个令人关注的问题。
In digital microwave communication , inter - symbol interference ( isi ) is inevitable because of multi - path fading , finiteness of channel bandwidth and faultiness of channel 在数字微波通信中,多径效应和信道带宽的有限性以及信道特性的不完善导致数据传输时不可避免地产生码间干扰( isi ) 。
At the application layer , more efficient source compression algorithm , which demands less bandwidth and adapts better to the dynamicly available bandwidth , should be developed 在应用层,我们需要研究更好的信源压缩算法,使多媒体业务对信道带宽的需求减少,对带宽动态变化的适应性增强。