通信: communication; communicate b ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...互通: interflow通信的: correspondent可互通的客车: intercommunicating coach端口接入的互通: ipa inerworking by port access互通信服务: intercom service交互通信: interactive/communication相互通信: intercommunication互通的技术要求: technical requiremnet of interworking between no. signalling and ip禁止通信的: incommunicado内部通信的: intercommunicating双重通信的: diplex无通信的: traffic-free有关通信的: communicatory掌管通信的: correspondin用户业务类别间的互通: interworking between user classes of services帧中继承载业务的互通: frame relaying bearer service interworking经常通信的人: a faithful correspondent ie one who writes regularly通信的动力学: dynamic of communication国际交互通信学会: iics-international interactive communication society内部通信系统, 相互通信系统: intercommunication system基于通信的系统: communication based system; communication-based system加接通信的特性: feature for attaching communication面向通信的多终: comtex communications oriented multiple terminal executive