通信: communication; communicate b ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...禁止通信的: incommunicado内部通信的: intercommunicating双重通信的: diplex无通信的: traffic-free有关通信的: communicatory掌管通信的: correspondin经常通信的人: a faithful correspondent ie one who writes regularly通信的动力学: dynamic of communication通信的互通的: communicating基于通信的系统: communication based system; communication-based system加接通信的特性: feature for attaching communication面向通信的多终: comtex communications oriented multiple terminal executive面向通信的计算机: communication oriented computer面向通信的软件: communications-oriented software; cos communications oriented software面向通信的系统: cos communications oriented system面向通信的语言: col communications oriented language; communications-oriented language通信的地面环节: cgs communications ground segment通信的数学理论: a mathematical theory of communication通信的物理输入: cpiocs communication physical input / output control system卫星通信的转发器: transponder现有通信的中断: loss of existing service遇险通信的处理: control of distress在通信的标题下: under the heading communications