迷信: superstition; superstitious ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...遗俗: an old custom; traditional p ...迷信的: fetishistic; superstitious迷信的主考官: a superstitious examiner遗俗: an old custom; traditional practices; relic 迷信的遗俗 relics of superstition; 遗俗之累 the burden of inherited customs迷信的受益和信托: superstitious uses and trusts迷信: 1.(信仰神仙鬼怪) superstition; superstitious belief; blind faith; blind worship 信仰万物有灵的迷信 animistic superstition; 沉溺于无知与迷信之中 wallow in ignorance and superstition2.(盲目的信仰崇拜) have blind faith in; make a fetish of 破除迷信 do away with fetishes and superstitions; 个人迷信 cult of the individual; personality cult; 迷信行为 superstitious behaviour;迷信者 superstitionist 迷信的人认为那是一种恶兆: the superstitious regard it as a bad omen迷信的人把优先权放在表面的超音速的优良上: the superstitious man put the priority on the superficial supersonic superiority古风遗俗: old customs遗俗之累: the burden of inherited customs大迷信: the supernormal迷信 迷行: superstition迷信地: superstitiously迷信品: superstitious objects迷信者: superstitionist迷信纸: pilgrim paper确信的, 深信的: convinced确信的,自信的: confident in; confident of自信的,确信的: confident打破迷信: destroy superstitions反对迷信: be against superstition; oppose superstition个人迷信: cult of the individual迷信书本的: book-learned