

  • a superstitious examiner
  • 迷信:    superstition; superstitious ...
  • :    4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
  • 主考官:    claim* **aminer; claims examiner
  • 迷信的:    fetishistic; superstitious
  • 迷信的遗俗:    relics of superstition


        迷信:    superstition; superstitious ...
        :    4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
        主考官:    claim* **aminer; claims examiner
        迷信的:    fetishistic; superstitious
        迷信的遗俗:    relics of superstition
        迷信的受益和信托:    superstitious uses and trusts
        考官:    examiner (especially under the former civil service examination system)
        主考:    1.(主持考试) be in charge of an examination2.(主持考试的人) chief examiner
        迷信:    1.(信仰神仙鬼怪) superstition; superstitious belief; blind faith; blind worship 信仰万物有灵的迷信 animistic superstition; 沉溺于无知与迷信之中 wallow in ignorance and superstition2.(盲目的信仰崇拜) have blind faith in; make a fetish of 破除迷信 do away with fetishes and superstitions; 个人迷信 cult of the individual; personality cult; 迷信行为 superstitious behaviour;迷信者 superstitionist
        迷信的人认为那是一种恶兆:    the superstitious regard it as a bad omen
        主考,主考人:    prüfungsleiter
        迷信的人把优先权放在表面的超音速的优良上:    the superstitious man put the priority on the superficial supersonic superiority
        主考人:    chief examiner; examinant; examiner
        主考者:    examiner
        大迷信:    the supernormal
        迷信 迷行:    superstition
        迷信地:    superstitiously
        迷信品:    superstitious objects
        迷信者:    superstitionist
        迷信纸:    pilgrim paper
        考官会知道:    the only similarity between them is merely that they are both television stations
        上忍考官:    hant
        中忍考官:    hkal
        国家主考者:    national examiner
        校内主考人:    an internal examiner ie one who marks papers from his own college etc


  1. "迷信的"英文
  2. "迷信的人把优先权放在表面的超音速的优良上"英文
  3. "迷信的人认为那是一种恶兆"英文
  4. "迷信的受益和信托"英文
  5. "迷信的遗俗"英文
  6. "迷信地"英文
  7. "迷信品"英文
  8. "迷信书本的"英文
  9. "迷信行为"英文
  10. "迷信性习惯"英文


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