

发音:   用"连带微粒发射"造句
  • associated corpuscular emission
  • 连带:    related; associate
  • 微粒:    particle; corpuscle; micron; ...
  • 发射:    launch; radiate; project; di ...
  • 微粒发射:    corpuscular emission; particle emission
  • 太阳微粒发射:    solar corpuscular emission


  1. Associated corpuscular emission


        连带:    related; associate
        微粒:    particle; corpuscle; micron; ...
        发射:    launch; radiate; project; di ...
        微粒发射:    corpuscular emission; particle emission
        太阳微粒发射:    solar corpuscular emission
        连带:    related; [数学] associate◇连带保证 joint suretyship; 连带保证人 joint guarantor; 连带法律关系 joint legal relations; 连带费用 joint expense; 连带负债 joint and several liabilities; 连带权利 joint rights; 连带形式 associated form; 连带需求 joint demand; 连带义务 joint obligation; 连带原因 contributory cause; 连带责任 joint responsibility; joint liability; 连带责任的债务 obligation establishing joint and several; 连带债务人 joint debtor; joint and several debtor
        颗粒发癣菌:    trichophyton granulosum
        微粒:    particle; [物理学] corpuscle; micron; atomy; subsieve; lutum◇微粒粉碎机 micropulverizer; 微粒回降 [物理学] fallout; 微粒乳剂 fine grain emulsion; 微粒摄影 fine-grain photography; 微粒说 corpuscular theory; 微粒体 microsome; micrinite; cytomicrosome; 微粒性 corpuscular property
        带微刺的:    spinulescent
        带微绿色:    greenish
        口带微笑:    a smile plays on one's lips
        宽带微伏计:    wide-band microvoltmeter
        面带微笑:    withsmiling face
        纸带微指令:    paper tape micro command
        缠绕;连带:    wind
        连带的:    a ociated; associated; associative; conjoint; implicative; joint
        连带地:    jointly
        连带度:    degree of association
        连带色:    chromesthesia
        连带痛:    synalgia
        连带着:    lead 2
        粘连带:    adhering zone; adhesive band
        发射:    1.(射出) launch; radiate; project; discharge; loft; fire; transmission; emission; sending; transmitting; shooting; launching; rocketeer; radiation; liftoff; shot; takeoff; blast-off; primary release; projection; extraction; shoot 发射炮弹 fire shells; 这颗卫星是装在火箭上发射的。 the satellite was launched in a rocket.2.[物理学] transmit; emit
        负连带责任:    jointly and severally bound
        共同地, 连带地:    jointly


  1. "连带数, 相伴数"英文
  2. "连带痛"英文
  3. "连带头巾的外套"英文
  4. "连带椭圆积分"英文
  5. "连带外部效应"英文
  6. "连带违约"英文
  7. "连带形式"英文
  8. "连带需求"英文
  9. "连带义务"英文
  10. "连带原因"英文


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