

  • objectionable literature
  • 违禁:    violate a ban
  • 文献:    document; literature
  • 违禁:    violate a ban◇违禁贸易 illicit trade; contraband of trade; 违禁品 contraband (goods)
  • 违禁火:    actionable fire
  • 违禁品:    article of contraband; barang larangan; contraband articles; illegal goods; prohibited articles/goods; prohibited good contraband goods; prohibited goods; contraband goods; prohibited products


        违禁:    violate a ban
        文献:    document; literature
        违禁:    violate a ban◇违禁贸易 illicit trade; contraband of trade; 违禁品 contraband (goods)
        违禁火:    actionable fire
        违禁品:    article of contraband; barang larangan; contraband articles; illegal goods; prohibited articles/goods; prohibited good contraband goods; prohibited goods; contraband goods; prohibited products
        文献:    document; literature 科技文献 literature of science and technology; 历史文献 historical documents; 马列主义文献 marxist-leninist literature; 这门学科的文献极为丰富。 the subject boasts of an extensive literature.; 文献记录片 documentary (film); 文献检索 document retrieval; literature search; 文献库 document database; 文献目录 bibliography; 文献学 philology
        贩卖违禁品:    bootlegging; the illegal distribution of items such as alcohol drugs firearms etc
        非违禁品:    non-contraband
        进口违禁品:    contraband of import
        绝对违禁品:    absolute contraband
        没收违禁品:    seizure of contraband
        违禁货物:    offensive cargo; prohibited cargo
        违禁贸易:    contraband of trade; contraband trade; illicit trade
        违禁品, 禁运品:    contraband goods
        违禁品表:    prohibited list
        违禁图画:    objectionable picture
        违禁物品:    article of contraband; articles of contraband; forbidden objects; prohibited goods; verbotene waren
        违禁药品:    banned drug
        违禁药物:    illegal substance
        违禁渔业:    prohibition fishery
        载运违禁品:    carriage of contraband
        战时违禁品:    contraband of war
        走私货;违禁品:    contraband
        违禁记录摘录:    extract from police records
        违禁品的走私:    owling


  1. "违禁品表"英文
  2. "违禁品的走私"英文
  3. "违禁品的走私晚上捕鱼"英文
  4. "违禁品之交易"英文
  5. "违禁图画"英文
  6. "违禁物品"英文
  7. "违禁物质;受禁止物质"英文
  8. "违禁药品"英文
  9. "违禁药品检验"英文
  10. "违禁药物"英文


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