违禁品: contraband的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...走私: smuggle违禁品的走私晚上捕鱼: owling走私货;违禁品: contraband禁运品;违禁品;走私品: contraband goods违禁品: article of contraband; barang larangan; contraband articles; illegal goods; prohibited articles/goods; prohibited good contraband goods; prohibited goods; contraband goods; prohibited products海关官员对违禁品的扣押: the seizure of contraband by customs officers贩卖违禁品: bootlegging; the illegal distribution of items such as alcohol drugs firearms etc非违禁品: non-contraband进口违禁品: contraband of import绝对违禁品: absolute contraband没收违禁品: seizure of contraband违禁品, 禁运品: contraband goods违禁品表: prohibited list载运违禁品: carriage of contraband战时违禁品: contraband of war违禁品之交易: contrabandage有条件违禁品: conditional contraband; conditionalcontraband附条件的违禁品: conditional contraband戴勋章的走私犯: medal for a smuggler有条件的战时违禁品: conditional contraband; conditionalcontraband偷入领海的走私船只: hovering vessel禁品: contraband goods违禁: violate a ban◇违禁贸易 illicit trade; contraband of trade; 违禁品 contraband (goods)