

  • breach of recognizance
  • 违反:    violate; run counter to; tra ...
  • 具结:    recognizances; sign an under ...
  • 具结:    [旧时用语] recognizances; sign an undertaking; binding over; enter into recognizances 具结领回失物 sign a receipt for restored lost property; 具结释放 enter into a bond and to be released; be liberated [set free] on bail; 责令具结悔过 instructed to write a statement of repentance; 要某人具结保证不再妨碍治安 bind sb. over to keep the peace
  • 违反:    violate; run counter to; transgress; infringe 违反党的政策 run counter to the policy of the party; 违反法律 breach of law; contrary to law; disregard of law; 违反合同 breach of contract; 违反交通规则 violate traffic regulations; 违反决议的精神 be contrary to the spirit of the resolution; 违反历史潮流 run counter to the trend of history; 违反外事纪律 breach of discipline of dealings with foreigners; 违反劳动纪律 violate labour discipline; 违反诺言 break a promise; 违反社会发展规律 go against the laws of social development; 违反习惯 offend against custom; 违反事实 fly in the face of facts; 违反条约 transgress a treaty; 违反客观规律 go against the objective laws; act in a way contrary to the objective laws; upset the objective proportions of; 违反刑法 commit a criminal offense; 学生们受到告诫, 不要违反校规。 the students were told not to break any of the rules of the school.; 违反合同 contravention to treaty; breach of contract; 违反合约 contravention to treaty; 违反协定行为 malpractice; 违反信托 breach of trust; 违反行车规则 driving offence
  • 具保,具结:    bind over


        违反:    violate; run counter to; tra ...
        具结:    recognizances; sign an under ...
        具结:    [旧时用语] recognizances; sign an undertaking; binding over; enter into recognizances 具结领回失物 sign a receipt for restored lost property; 具结释放 enter into a bond and to be released; be liberated [set free] on bail; 责令具结悔过 instructed to write a statement of repentance; 要某人具结保证不再妨碍治安 bind sb. over to keep the peace
        违反:    violate; run counter to; transgress; infringe 违反党的政策 run counter to the policy of the party; 违反法律 breach of law; contrary to law; disregard of law; 违反合同 breach of contract; 违反交通规则 violate traffic regulations; 违反决议的精神 be contrary to the spirit of the resolution; 违反历史潮流 run counter to the trend of history; 违反外事纪律 breach of discipline of dealings with foreigners; 违反劳动纪律 violate labour discipline; 违反诺言 break a promise; 违反社会发展规律 go against the laws of social development; 违反习惯 offend against custom; 违反事实 fly in the face of facts; 违反条约 transgress a treaty; 违反客观规律 go against the objective laws; act in a way contrary to the objective laws; upset the objective proportions of; 违反刑法 commit a criminal offense; 学生们受到告诫, 不要违反校规。 the students were told not to break any of the rules of the school.; 违反合同 contravention to treaty; breach of contract; 违反合约 contravention to treaty; 违反协定行为 malpractice; 违反信托 breach of trust; 违反行车规则 driving offence
        具保,具结:    bind over
        具结书:    affidavit
        被告具结书:    cognovit note
        当堂具结:    sign at court
        飞具结构:    aircraft structure
        工具结构:    tool construction
        具结保释:    bail on personal recognizance
        具结合脉的:    combination-venose
        具结悔过:    make a statement of repentence
        具结节的:    gangliferous; gangligerous
        具结释放:    enter into a bond and to be released
        令某人具结:    warn sb that he will appear in court again if he breaks the law
        模具结构:    mold construction
        模具结构图:    die structure drawing; die structure dwg
        磨具结合剂:    abrasive tools bond
        锁具结构:    mechanisms of lock
        基本模具结构:    basic mold construction; basic mould construction
        家具结构零件:    furniture structural parts
        具结领回失物:    sign a receipt for restored lost property
        写具结书的人:    recognizor
        责令具结悔过:    order to sign a statement of repentance; ordertosignastatementofrepentance


  1. "违反交通规则"英文
  2. "违反交通规则的人应该受到处罚"英文
  3. "违反交通规则的通知单"英文
  4. "违反叫牌体系"英文
  5. "违反居家隔离规定"英文
  6. "违反决议的精神"英文
  7. "违反军事规程"英文
  8. "违反客观规律"英文
  9. "违反劳动合同的责任"英文
  10. "违反劳动纪律"英文


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