- advancing color
- 进出: pass in and out; get in and ...
- 色: colour
- 出色: outstanding; remarkable; splendid 干得很出色 do a remarkable job; acquit oneself splendidly; 他们出色地完成了各项任务。 they have acquitted themselves of various duties splendidly
- 进出: 1.(进来和出去) pass in and out; get in and out 进出港签证 port entry and exit visas2.(收入和支出) receipts and payments; turnover 这个商店每天有好几千元的进出。 this store has a daily turnover of several thousand yuan.; 进出道 haul road; 进出费率 in and out rates
- 出色的: colorific; crack; excellent; finer; illustrious; nailing; peachy; remarkable job; spiffy; standout; such; superb