

  • aggressive costs inflation
  • 过分:    going too far; excessive
  • 成本:    prime cost; cost; capitalize ...
  • 膨胀:    expand; swell; dilate; infla ...
  • 成本膨胀:    cost inflation; cost-push; inflation of costs
  • 过分成熟:    over ripeness; overripeness


        过分:    going too far; excessive
        成本:    prime cost; cost; capitalize ...
        膨胀:    expand; swell; dilate; infla ...
        成本膨胀:    cost inflation; cost-push; inflation of costs
        过分成熟:    over ripeness; overripeness
        部分成本:    partial costs
        可分成本:    separable cost
        分成成本活动:    contributing cost activity; contributing costs activities
        分成:    divide into; separate into 这条河从这儿分成两条支流。 the river divides here into two branches. 这些书可分成几类。 these books fall into several categories. 句子可以分成分句, 分句能分成短语。 sentences can be broken up into clauses, and clauses into phrases. 从地形上美国可以分成 3个主要地区。 physiographically, the united states may be separated into three major divisions
        过分膨胀的;满得溢出的;冒槽:    overswelling
        重点作业区分成本分析:    cost analysis by tofive activities
        过分:    过分excessive; undue; bellyful; go too far; overdo 过分的要求 excessive demands; 过分的苛求 a requisition from semele; 过分强调 put undue stress on; overemphasize; 过分自信 overconfidence in oneself; 做得太过分 go too far; overdo sth.; 过分讲究 unduly luxurious; 过分夸大 over-exaggerate; 我们无论怎样称赞他都不为过分。 we cannot praise him too much. 这个女孩过分喜爱音乐。 the girl has inordinate passion for music.; 过分仓促 overhaste; 过分激动 overexcite; hyperexcitability; 过分讲究[精致] froufrou; 过分紧张 overstrain
        成本促成通货膨胀:    cost-push inflation
        成本推动通货膨胀:    cost-push inflation
        成本性通货膨胀:    cost inflation
        成本提高型通货膨胀, 成本引起的通货膨胀:    cost push inflation
        成本推动的通货膨胀:    cost-push inflation; cost-push inflation
        成本推动通货膨胀论:    theory of costs push inflation
        成本推动型的通货膨胀:    cost-push inflation
        成本推动型通货膨胀:    cost-push inflation
        成本增加引起的通货膨胀:    costs push inflation
        膨胀:    expand; swell; dilate; inflate; puff; bulge; inflation; expansion; dilatation; buckling; swelling; upswelling; bulking; distension; distention; infarctate; pinguis; physiosis; inturgescence; intumesce; ectasia; ectasis; ectasy; turgidity; bloat 机构膨胀 bloated organizational structure; 人员膨胀 bloated staff; 金属受了热就会膨胀。 metals expand when they are heated.; 膨胀安全阀 expansion relief valve; 膨胀度 dilation; dilatation; 膨胀阀 expansion valve; 膨胀计 dilatometer; 膨胀剂 swelling agent; expanding agent; 膨胀器 expander; 膨胀曲线 expansion curve; 膨胀系数 expansion coefficient; coefficient of expansion
        把…分成:    separate…into
        被分成:    be divided into
        分成包:    packetize


  1. "过分捕捞"英文
  2. "过分仓促"英文
  3. "过分操心的父母"英文
  4. "过分长大"英文
  5. "过分称赞某人"英文
  6. "过分成熟"英文
  7. "过分迟钝的飞行员"英文
  8. "过分冲淡"英文
  9. "过分抽水"英文
  10. "过分聪明反而愚蠢"英文


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