

  • overtalk
  • 过分:    going too far; excessive
  • :    many; much; more
  • :    speech; word
  • 过分多疑的:    hypersexual; hypersuspicious
  • 过分:    过分excessive; undue; bellyful; go too far; overdo 过分的要求 excessive demands; 过分的苛求 a requisition from semele; 过分强调 put undue stress on; overemphasize; 过分自信 overconfidence in oneself; 做得太过分 go too far; overdo sth.; 过分讲究 unduly luxurious; 过分夸大 over-exaggerate; 我们无论怎样称赞他都不为过分。 we cannot praise him too much. 这个女孩过分喜爱音乐。 the girl has inordinate passion for music.; 过分仓促 overhaste; 过分激动 overexcite; hyperexcitability; 过分讲究[精致] froufrou; 过分紧张 overstrain


        过分:    going too far; excessive
        :    many; much; more
        :    speech; word
        过分多疑的:    hypersexual; hypersuspicious
        过分:    过分excessive; undue; bellyful; go too far; overdo 过分的要求 excessive demands; 过分的苛求 a requisition from semele; 过分强调 put undue stress on; overemphasize; 过分自信 overconfidence in oneself; 做得太过分 go too far; overdo sth.; 过分讲究 unduly luxurious; 过分夸大 over-exaggerate; 我们无论怎样称赞他都不为过分。 we cannot praise him too much. 这个女孩过分喜爱音乐。 the girl has inordinate passion for music.; 过分仓促 overhaste; 过分激动 overexcite; hyperexcitability; 过分讲究[精致] froufrou; 过分紧张 overstrain
        多言的:    articulate loquacious talkative volume
        多言地:    wordily
        多言狂:    logomania
        多言症:    logodiarrhea; polylogia
        多言癖:    lalorrhea; logomania; logorrhea; pleniloquence
        多言必有伪:    he that talks much lies much
        多言吃苦:    many have suffered for talking none ever suffered for keeping silence
        多言多虑:    the more you talk and think about it
        多言惹祸:    least said soonest mended
        多言聒耳:    make a din in one's ears; babbling bothers one's ears
        无需多言:    needless to say
        无庸多言:    need scarcely say2
        沓沓多言:    talking very much
        得分多:    outpoint
        来分多:    godric gryffindor
        水分多:    washiness
        为政不在多言:    they that govern most make the least noise
        毋庸我多言了:    life's a bi*ch until you die
        不过分:    within reason
        过分, 过度:    without measure


  1. "过分地"英文
  2. "过分地保护"英文
  3. "过分地单纯化"英文
  4. "过分地怀念过去"英文
  5. "过分定位"英文
  6. "过分多疑的"英文
  7. "过分法则化"英文
  8. "过分烦琐地区分词义。"英文
  9. "过分放牧"英文
  10. "过分粉碎"英文


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