多: many; much; more言: speech; word狂: mad; crazy多言的: articulate loquacious talkative volume多言地: wordily多言症: logodiarrhea; polylogia多言癖: lalorrhea; logomania; logorrhea; pleniloquence多言必有伪: he that talks much lies much多言吃苦: many have suffered for talking none ever suffered for keeping silence多言多虑: the more you talk and think about it多言惹祸: least said soonest mended多言聒耳: make a din in one's ears; babbling bothers one's ears过分多言: overtalk无需多言: needless to say无庸多言: need scarcely say2沓沓多言: talking very much为政不在多言: they that govern most make the least noise毋庸我多言了: life's a bi*ch until you die少说少错(多言惹祸): least said , soonest mended 多言获利,不如默而无言: Though something may be gained by talk,more will be gained by silence.Speech is silversilence is golden.多言获利不如默而无言: though something may be gained by talk more will be gained by silence多言性癫痫,喃喃性癫痫: epilepsia marmottante和古老的童话一样 不需多言: same old story not much to say