Circulate statements at ecosoc subsidiary bodies meetings 在ecosoc辅助机构会议内发言
There is no sensor for discriminating obstacles and no assistant mechanism for alternating between wheel - running and arm - creeping 该机构不需要传感装置来检测障碍,不需要复杂的辅助机构来实现平面上运动和越障运动之间的转换,实现机构简单。
The academic reference room is a componet part of the academic library information service and an auxiliary body of every department for teaching and scientific researth 摘要高校资料室是全校图书情报系统的组成部分,是各系(院、所)教学科研辅助机构。
During the study on the realization of computer - aided conceptual design system of mechanism design , the thesis utilized some knowledge and technology in the artificial intelligence field such as knowledge representation and reasoning 在对计算机辅助机构概念设计系统的实现的研究中,论文利用了人工智能领域中的知识表示和推理等知识与技术。