援助: help; support; aid机构: mechanism多边援助机构: multilateral aid agencies发展援助机构: development aid agencies开发援助机构: development assistance agency国家粮食援助机构: national food assistance agency工会间议会援助机构: inter-union department of parliamentary assistance瑞士援助机构联合会: swiss aid agencies coalition美洲市政信贷和援助机构联合会: finicam; inter-american federation of municipal credit and assistance institutions补助机构: servomechanism辅助机构: assisting agency; attachment; auxiliary body; auxiliary mechanism; complementary unit; helper救助机构: salvage service赞助机构: sponsoring agency资助机构: financing body公帑资助机构: public-funded organization计划支助机构: program supporting service外部支助机构: external support agency主办者,赞助机构: sponsor衰退产业援助机制: mechanisms to aid declining industries捐助机构理事会: council of donor agencies六辅助机构及调节系统: attachment and control system外部支助机构合作理事会: collaborative council of external support agencies机构发展援助项目: institutional development assistance project提供援助的机构: aid giving agency援助全国教育机构: assistance a l'institut pedagogique national