轧辊: roll; roller; bowl; mill rol ...直径: diameter; diam的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...有效: effective; valid; efficaciou ...使用: make use of; use; employ; ap ...范围: scope; limits; extent; bound ...工具的有效使用: tooling availability某物的有效作用范围: range over which sth can operate effectively有效使用: use efficiently有效使用期: effective age; effective life; effective service life; useful economic life最有效使用: highest and best use开工率(即设备的有效使用期与修理期之比): on-stream efficiency商务谈判中英语的有效使用技巧: effective english communicating skills in business negotiation使用范围: limit for the use; range of application; range of use; scope of application; service range; serviceable range; usable range一次有效使用: one-time operation有效使用寿命: acceptable life; useful service life有效寿命;有效使用期: effective life板材厚度同轧辊直径之比: thickness ratio泵的使用范围: application fields for pumps标称使用范围: nominal range of use额定使用范围: nominal range of use; rated operating range; rated range of use天波使用范围: sky-wave range船舶有效使用期限: ship's effective life适用期(有效使用期): pot life working life有效使用期限3: effective age