But there is still a difficult problem present in the low specific speed sewage pumps : with changeable operation points , the motor is often destroyed by overload , which restricts the application of the pump in many fields 但是低比速排污泵在工况多变的场合极易因过载而烧毁电机,这一问题一直没有得到很好的解决,这大大限制了排污泵的使用范围。
泵: pump的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...使用: make use of; use; employ; ap ...范围: scope; limits; extent; bound ...检测仪表的使用范围: instrumentation limitations使用范围: limit for the use; range of application; range of use; scope of application; service range; serviceable range; usable range标称使用范围: nominal range of use额定使用范围: nominal range of use; rated operating range; rated range of use天波使用范围: sky-wave range使用范围及方法: scope and method of application标称使用范围;标称量限: nominal range对讲电话固定站使用范围: talk out range对讲电话移动站使用范围: take-back range滥用(职权)离开正常使用范围: abuse现金使用范围的规定: regulations regarding the use of funds限制使用范围的货币: blocked currency轧辊直径的有效使用范围: roll dimensional life保用范围: replacement by guarantee可用范围: available space; margin of utilization; range of applicability利用范围圈: utility circle适用范围: applicability; applicable scope; area of application; sphere of application; area of application; sphere of application; coverage; market; range of application; scope of application; sphere of application适用范围宽: ac150v-260v应用范围: application field; application range; application spectrum; applied range; applying scope; field of application; range of application; range of use专用范围: reserve area作用范围: activate space; coverage; decisive range; domain of influence; range of action; reach; sphere of action; sphere of influence