路旁: wayside车: chariot,one of the pieces in ...机车停车位: motorcycle parking列车停车位: berth电单车停车位: motorcycle parking space脚踏车停车位: bicycle parking非住宅用地私家车泊车位: non-domestic private car parking space住宅用地私家车泊车位: domestic private car parking space主管车停车位编号: reserved parking私家车: polo; private cars; roundaboutversion; sedan私家车/货车多层停车场: multi-storey car/lorry park私家车辆: private vehicle停车位: car park space; car parking space; parked position; parking space, parking stall; pkg ― parking路旁泊车位: on-street parking space路旁车位: on-street parking space路旁的停车位和上落客货设施: on-street parking and loading/unloading facilities私家车检查亭: car kiosk私家车许可证: private car permit私家停车道: driveway the drive in front of a house私家车辆检验计划: private car inspection scheme私家车数量在增加: increasing number of private cars路旁停车: side parking; side-parking路旁停车场: parking lay-by路旁停车处: lay by; lay-by残障停车位: disabled parking lots