

  • curb loading zone


        路旁:    wayside
        上下:    and -- one of the six catego ...
        上下车费:    llo lift on / lift off; loading/unloading charge; return docs fee
        上下车旅客:    on-off passengers
        依次上下车:    get on and off in order
        乘客上下车区域:    passenger zone
        旅客上下车的车站岛:    loading island
        路旁:    wayside◇路旁餐馆 drive-in; 路旁绿化 roadside embellishment; 路旁阴沟 gutter
        下车:    alight; debarkation; debus; disembarkation; drop off; get down; get off the bus; landing; stepdown; unload
        调车带:    lxy
        分车带:    dividing strip; diving strip; divisor; lane separator; parting strip
        滑车带:    rope strop; strop
        刹车带:    black tape; brake band; brake ribbon; brake strap; braking lining
        行车带:    through band; traffic zone
        上下:    1.(职务、辈分上的高低) high and low; old and young 举国上下 the whole nation; 全家上上下下都很高兴。 all members of the family, old and young, are very pleased.2.(从上到下) from top to bottom; up and down 这个水塔上下有五十米。 the water tower is fifty metres high.3.(从高到低或从低到高) go up and down 摩天楼里有电梯, 上下很方便。 with an elevator in the skyscraper, we can easily go up and down.4.(程度高低) relative superiority or inferiority 不相上下 equally matched; about the same; 难分上下 hard to tell which is better5.(用在数量词后面) about; or so; or thereabouts 三十岁上下 about thirty years old; thirty or so
        路旁带:    roadside
        路旁菊:    grenateleaf heteropappus herb
        在路旁:    at the side of road; by the road
        离开,下车:    get off
        免下车:    drive-through
        让下车:    let sb off
        使下车:    land; put sb down
        停下车:    come to a stop
        途下车:    to break the journey
        下车,起飞:    get off


  1. "路旁菊"英文
  2. "路旁聚落"英文
  3. "路旁绿化"英文
  4. "路旁美化"英文
  5. "路旁美化市容地带;路旁市容设施"英文
  6. "路旁私家车停车位"英文
  7. "路旁停车"英文
  8. "路旁停车场"英文
  9. "路旁停车处"英文
  10. "路旁停车收费表"英文


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