跨越: stride over; stride across; ...许多: many; much; a great deal of; ...条: twig河: river穿跨越许可: crossing permit穿越多条河滚: many rivers to cross这个文件包括许多条文: this document includes many articles多条: multiple v belt跨越: stride over (a ditch, etc.); stride across; leap over; cut across 跨越障碍 surmount an obstacle; 纵马跨越栅栏 leap a horse over a hurdle; 跨越赤道传播 transequatorial propagation; 跨越杆 crossing pole; 跨越绝缘子 crossing insulator寻找那些跨越了许多世纪的印记: spanning out the centuries许多: many; much; a great deal of; numerous; plenty of; a great many of; many a; a large amount [quantity] of; lots of; a lot of 许多麻烦 an awful lot of trouble; 许多人 many people; 积累了许多经验 have accumulated much experience; 许多学生考试不及格。 many a student fails to pass in the examination柏条河: baitiao he这条河: this river跨越杆: cro -over pole; cross over pole; cross-over pole跨越桥: overpass bridge跨越线: across-the-line跨越值: spanning value多条 v 型皮带: multiple v belt多条v型皮带: multiple v-belt多条带锯子: multi band saw多条的棋子: superfluous piece多条剪切机: multi-strip shearing machine多条件覆盖: multiple-condition coverage多条矫直: multistrand straightening多条排队线: multiple queue