多: many; much; more条: twig的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...棋子: chess pieces; chessman; drau ...多余的棋子: superfluous piece闪开的棋子: opening piece被吃掉的棋子: captured piece格数不限的棋子: long-rang piece; long-range piece狐鹅游戏的棋子: guild西洋象棋的棋子: draughtsman棋盘和处于原位的棋子: chessboard with the men多条: multiple v belt棋子: chess pieces; chessman; draughtsman 移动一步棋子 move a man at chesschess棋子: chess pieces; chessman; draughtsman 移动一步棋子 move a man at白棋子: white chessmen黑棋子: black chessmen棋子儿: chessmanpiece跳棋子: checkerman围棋子: go che pieces; go chess pieces高明的棋手: a good chess player长条的: linear教条的: doctrinal; dogmatic柳条的: osier苗条的: jimp; slender; slight; slim; slinky; spindling; svelte; willowy线条的: lineal; linear