

发音:   用"足球起源"造句


  1. A summary of the forum on football game originating from linzi
  2. A research into the world football game originating from the capital city of the early qin dynasty linzi
  3. Back to song dynasty , about the 11th century , people started to play a game called cuju , which is regarded as the origin of ancient football
  4. 00 after sot as well as documenting the origins of football , the exhibition has some fascinating objects on display , including a football dating back to the 1560s


        足球:    soccer; football; associatio ...
        地球起源:    origin of the earth
        地球起源学:    geocosmogony
        月球起源学:    selenogony
        地球起源与地史学:    geocosmology
        起源:    1.(根源) origin; beginning; derivation; rise in 生命之起源 the origination of life; 生物的起源 the origin of living things; 文明的起源 the origin(s) of civilization; 没有记载的起源 unrecorded beginnings; 希腊文化的起源 the beginning of greek culture2.(开始发生) originate from; originate in; stem from; come from; take sth. as a starting point 这场争吵起源于误解。 the quarrel originated in a misunderstanding. 一切知识起源于劳动。 all knowledge originates from labour. 它起源于美国。 it originated on american soil
        气球起飞:    balloon take-off
        月球起飞舱:    lunar takeoff capsule
        月球起伏:    relief of the moon
        抓球起球:    grasp and pick up
        足球:    1.(球类运动) soccer; football; association football 美国式足球 american football; 英国式足球 soccer; association football2.(指此项运动用的球) football; 足球场 football field; 足球队 football team; eleven; 足球赛 football game; 足球运动员 footballer; football player
        从起源:    ab origine
        崔起源:    choi ki won; choi ki-won
        发端,起源:    origination
        发生;起源:    genesis
        核起源:    nucleogenesis
        酶起源:    enzyme origin
        起源, 出处:    provenance
        起源,获得:    derive
        起源、出处:    provenance
        起源,发生:    originate from; stem from
        起源,来源:    origin
        起源,血缘:    origin
        起源,衍生:    derive from
        起源;由来:    derive from


  1. "足球男孩"英文
  2. "足球女将"英文
  3. "足球排名"英文
  4. "足球片尾曲"英文
  5. "足球评论员"英文
  6. "足球器材"英文
  7. "足球曲棍球队中锋"英文
  8. "足球惹的祸"英文
  9. "足球热"英文
  10. "足球赛"英文


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