I am a very famous soccer commentator in china as you also know , would you please tell me why italy can defeat france and win the game 正如你也知道,偶沈阿瑟是中国有名的足球评论员,能否请你谈谈意大利为何能打败法国队而捧杯?
But the apology by cctv football commentator huang jianxiang - who was responsible for the extraordinary outburst of pro - italy bias during his call of the australia - italy game - falls well short of a proper mea culpa 但是央视足球评论员黄见湘对他自己在澳大利亚对意大利队的比赛中异乎寻常的爆发,一边倒的捧意(贬澳)而作的(公开)检讨根本就不是老实认错的态度。
足球: soccer; football; associatio ...评论员: commentator评论员: commentator; critic; news analyst; observer; reviewer环球评论: revue rund um die welt电视评论员: television commentator广播评论员: radio commentator军事评论员: military commentator评论员贺谨: john horgan评论员库伦: nathan cullen评论员莉丝: judy wasylycia-leis评论员罗品: gregor robertson评论员马司: brian masse评论员马西: brian masse评论员冼信: bob simpson特约评论员: special commentator体育评论员: sports commentator现场评论员: broadcaster新闻评论员: news analyst评论员张诺佳: guy gentner无线电评论员: the commentator艺术家评论员: the critic as artist评论员,实况播音员: commentator专栏时事评论员: columntator解说员;评论员;集注的作者: commentator球评甘蒙斯: peter gammons