Session 1 : fundamental of riding positions and control session 2 : ride with a standing position and braking technique 第一节:学习越野电单车的正确骑姿和操控技巧
Always ride with both direction on the same track . to good at motocross , you must practice , practice , practice . more practice and work hard 学好越野电单车技术是要长期勤力练习,而且要有持久学习精神才有理想好成绩
The club is equipped with a collection of yamaha 50cc waiting for the highly - potential young riders to be introduced to this sport 特别为有兴趣加入越野运动的小朋友提供一些迷你而且力量细小的越野电单车以供学习之用。
越野: cross-country电: electricity单车: bicycle越野电单车活动: cross-country motorcycling activities电单车: exciter bike64; motoracer advance; motorcycle; scooter电单车;摩托车: motorcycle电单车大赛: excite bike电单车品牌: motorcycle manufacturers电单车日记: the motorcycle diaries魂电单车: bike daisuki - hashiriya damashii救护电单车: ambulance aid motorcycle迷你电单车: mini bike水上电单车: water scooter消防电单车: fire motorcycle小型电单车: light motorcycle; mini-motorcycle; motor scooter电单车泊车位: motor cycle parking space电单车派递段: scooterized beat电单车停车位: motorcycle parking space利力电单车行: lee lik motor cycle hong; lee lik motor-cycle hong一齐学电单车: hk island侧车〔附于电单车旁: sidecar电单车急救服务: motorcycle medical attendance service驾驶电单车人士: motorcyclist电单车视像记录系统: motorcycle video system电单车暂准驾驶执照: probationary driving licence for motorcyclists