Water sport activities zone ( outside the fish culture zone ) for water skiing , water motor cycling , canoeing and windsurfing 一个水上活动区(位于鱼类养殖区外) ,供滑水、水上电单车、独木舟和滑浪风帆活动之用。
Mr . norman farmer , the chairman of education commission of the international life saving federation visited hong kong to conduct the first international referee ( still water ) training course 此训练营获国际救生总会认可,是世界首次的正式水上电单车救生训练。国际救生总会教育委员会主席mr
At the threshold of a new era , our life saving training programmes become more diversified . except aforementioned , a number of training programmes with the world s latest techniques , e . g . jet ski rescue , aquatic first aid , accupressure first aid and international referee training , which attracted some enthusiastic participants from other countries as well as local to participate 近年来本会更展开一连串斩新及优秀的创新训练计划,其中如水上电单车拯溺、手力急救、水中急救、国际裁判训练等等,吸引了不少热心拯溺的外国团体及本港人士参与,使这些世界尖端的拯溺技术训练得以发展及宣扬。
水上: water; overwater; water born ...电: electricity单车: bicycle电单车: exciter bike64; motoracer advance; motorcycle; scooter电单车;摩托车: motorcycle电单车大赛: excite bike电单车品牌: motorcycle manufacturers电单车日记: the motorcycle diaries魂电单车: bike daisuki - hashiriya damashii救护电单车: ambulance aid motorcycle迷你电单车: mini bike消防电单车: fire motorcycle小型电单车: light motorcycle; mini-motorcycle; motor scooter越野电单车: motorcross电单车泊车位: motor cycle parking space电单车派递段: scooterized beat电单车停车位: motorcycle parking space利力电单车行: lee lik motor cycle hong; lee lik motor-cycle hong一齐学电单车: hk island水上电话: maritime radiotelephone侧车〔附于电单车旁: sidecar电单车急救服务: motorcycle medical attendance service驾驶电单车人士: motorcyclist越野电单车活动: cross-country motorcycling activities电单车视像记录系统: motorcycle video system