His record as a show - jumper is unequalled 他超越障碍赛马的记录无出其右
Files should not be an obstacle course 文件不应该成为超越障碍训练场。
Ireland has a strong reputation for field sports such as shooting , fishing and also for equestrian events , show jumping and horse racing 爱尔兰在狩猎、射击、垂钓等田赛项目和骑马项目、超越障碍马术比赛和骑马比赛项目中有很强的实力。
She is just like a close friend who tells us words of wisdom so that we may gain enough strength to overcome our difficulties and leave the flower widely blooming even if life is very dry and rocky and the world is stormy 点石成金,清海无上师把一簇已被人类淡忘掉了的野花搬近我们,像一个朋友般,跟我们倾吐智慧心声,让我们有足够力量超越障碍。即使人生如有枯石,世界时有狂风暴雨,我们也能绽放出灿烂的花朵。