

  • outreached shadow the
  • 超越:    surmount; overstep; transcen ...
  • 阴影:    shadow; shade; cloud
  • 超越:    surmountoversteptranscendsurpassoverreachoverswing
  • 阴影:    1.(阴暗的影子) shadow; shade; cloud 给某事蒙上阴影 throw a gloom over sth.; 在树丛的阴影下 in the shadow of the grove; 图画的阴影部分 shaded parts on a picture; 目前的形势给谈判的前途投下了阴影。 the current developments cast a shadow over the future of the talk. 一道阴影掠过老太太慈祥的面孔。 a shadow passed over the kindly face of the old woman.2.[医学] (斑痕) spot; shadow 肺部发现有阴影 have a spot found on one's lungs
  • 超越;超越度;过冲:    overshoot


        超越:    surmount; overstep; transcen ...
        阴影:    shadow; shade; cloud
        超越:    surmountoversteptranscendsurpassoverreachoverswing
        阴影:    1.(阴暗的影子) shadow; shade; cloud 给某事蒙上阴影 throw a gloom over sth.; 在树丛的阴影下 in the shadow of the grove; 图画的阴影部分 shaded parts on a picture; 目前的形势给谈判的前途投下了阴影。 the current developments cast a shadow over the future of the talk. 一道阴影掠过老太太慈祥的面孔。 a shadow passed over the kindly face of the old woman.2.[医学] (斑痕) spot; shadow 肺部发现有阴影 have a spot found on one's lungs
        超越;超越度;过冲:    overshoot
        超越, 胜过:    transcend
        超越,胜过:    surpass; transcend
        超越,超过:    go beyond
        超越船:    overtaking ve el; overtaking vessel
        超越的:    excellent; transcendental
        超越点:    offending point
        超越度:    overshoot
        超越峰:    beyond the summit
        超越基:    transcendence basis
        超越角:    angleofclearance; over shoot angle; overswing angle
        超越解:    transcendental solution
        超越量:    overstrike; overtlow
        超越率:    exceedance
        超越论:    transcendentalism
        超越数:    transcendental number
        超越物:    transcendent
        超越性:    transcendence; transcendency; transcendentality; transzendenz
        超越者:    flexier; the transcendent
        超越种:    emergent species
        登上,超越:    surmount


  1. "超越需求"英文
  2. "超越亚纯函数"英文
  3. "超越严寒"英文
  4. "超越一种文化的"英文
  5. "超越意外"英文
  6. "超越于运用价值之外"英文
  7. "超越预定计划"英文
  8. "超越元素"英文
  9. "超越月球轨道"英文
  10. "超越障碍"英文


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